Official Bio

full shot reading

Short Bio

Christina Thatcher is a Creative Writing Lecturer at Cardiff University. She keeps busy off campus as a tutor for The Poetry School, a member of the Literature Wales Management Board and as a freelance workshop facilitator across the UK. Her poetry and short stories have been widely published in literary magazines, including Ambit, Magma, Poetry Wales, The Poetry Review and more. She has published two poetry collections with Parthian Books: More than you were (2017) and How to Carry Fire (2020). To learn more about Christina’s work please visit her website: or follow her on Twitter @writetoempower.

Long Bio

Christina Thatcher is an award-winning poet whose work has been widely published in literary magazines, including Ambit, Magma, Poetry Wales, The Poetry Review and more. She has published two poetry collections with Parthian Books: More than you were (2017) and How to Carry Fire (2020).  Christina has toured internationally, reading her work in the UK, USA, Canada, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Romania. Select poems from her collections have been translated and published in Italian (Correnti Incrociate 2), Spanish (Círculo de Poesía), and Romanian (Curente La Ruscruce).

Thatcher grew up in America but has made a happy home in Wales with her husband, Rich, and cat, Miso. She is now a Creative Writing Lecturer at Cardiff University. Thatcher keeps busy off campus as a tutor for The Poetry School, a member of the Literature Wales Management Board and as a freelance workshop facilitator across the UK.

To learn more about Thatcher’s work visit her website: or follow her on Twitter: @writetoempower.